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Town Hall Meeting - November 4, 2022

My Life Foundation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Town Hall meeting to discuss the Notice of Data Breach.  Please scroll down to read the Notice of Data Breach.


Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom Town Hall Meeting.


When:   November 4, 2022 - 7PM to 8PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Town Hall Meeting (Webinar Version)


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Notice of Data Breach

Dear Families and Friends:


On behalf of My Life Foundation, I am writing to inform you about a recent incident that exposed some of our employees' information (“Incident”).  We recently reported the Incident to the California Attorney General’s office and to our employees.


Here is a summary of the incident:


Tim DeHaven, and then-current employee, Erik Duzell, Sr., were working together to steal company files from My Life Foundation by improperly using their position and access to illegally provide 3D Supports, LLC unauthorized access to employee information. In September 2021, we discovered that Erik had accessed Tim's files and downloaded them to his computer; during our interview about his actions, we discovered that he had wiped his computer clean. Then, on or around November  2021, we read text messages where Erik told Tim he had downloaded his files and sent them to his Yahoo account. In response, we initiated an investigation.


We discovered that they had accessed data. However, we could not determine whether personal information was accessed. Subsequently, we initiated legal proceedings against Tim DeHaven, Erik Duzell, Sr., and 3D Supports, LLC, to demand the return of all stolen information. As a result, the Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County granted My Life Foundation a court order requiring the return of all MLF documents. In response to the Court’s Order, 3D Supports LLC provided a significant amount of data that included personal information. We then launched a comprehensive review of the data identifying the types of information stolen and the contact information needed to provide notification to potentially affected individuals. This process concluded a short time ago, and it was determined that some of your data was stored and may have been improperly accessed.


In our investigation, we were unable to definitively determine that Jim DeHaven, Tim DeHaven, Erik Duzell Sr or 3D Supports (“3D Supports”) had illegally obtained your information.  However, upon our investigation of the Incident, we recovered text messages between Erik Duzell Sr and Jim DeHaven in which they purport to take all of the information on Tim DeHaven's computer, google drive, and email which may contain your:

  • private medical, medications, doctors, diagnosis

  • financial and social security numbers, 

  • address of both you and your child

  • As well as personal narratives of your child's life, dreams, goals, and family situation. 


In January 2022, we provided WRC with a special incident report outlining the Incident and related court documents. Our understanding is that 3D Supports verbally indicated to Westside Regional Center that they did not take any consumer information and do not have any of these documents. Westside Regional Center did not investigate the Incident further.


Due to our concerns,  we have also reported the incident to the Department of Developmental Services, with copies to NLA Regional Center, Westside Regional Center, Lanterman Regional Center and South Central Regional Center to allow them to further investigate the incident.  A copy of the report is attached as Attachment B. 


Because our work is all community based, and because the type of breach that we believe occurred was based on inside access from individuals who were starting a competing company,  we have installed a top-tier IT security system specifically designed for the remote work we provide.


We have completed phase one, a new computer and a cloud-based security file system, providing two-factor authentication and the end point of any document leaving the server. The system also allows for the immediate shutdown of any remote computer when a violation occurs.


Phase two is being designed and developed for us as part of our new electronic-visitation-verification phone app system, which is expected to be fully operational within the next few months.


I hope that you can join us at our upcoming town hall on November 4, 2022, from 7-8PM at the zoom link posted on our website, where our legal team and I will attempt to answer all your questions. We take these matters very seriously. We are confident in DDS's ability to assist those we support, you, and the foundation in this matter.





David Bunker President and Founder

My Life Foundation

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